T: +30 2310 546 683, +30 2310 593 270,  T/F: +30 2310 593 271



exhibiiton id Dates happen: 01/04/2016 ... 19/06/2016

A group exhibition by

Andreas Vousouras | Antonis Papadopoulos | Nikos Sepetzoglou

April 1 - June 19, 2016
Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki (Warehouse B1, Port)

Opening: Friday, April 1, 2016

Days & hours: Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday and Saturday 10:00-18:00

Friday 10:00-20:00

Sunday 11:00-15:00

"ENIGAMI" is the paradoxical title of the new exhibition at the  Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki (State Museum of Contemporary Art), presenting artworks by Andreas Vousouras Antonis Papadopoulos, Nikos Sepetzoglou.

You may find attached the online exhibition catalogue


Andreas Vousouras Νikos Sepetzoglou Antonis Papadopoulos